Let’s Trek Himalayas, is focused on keeping up with the security of individual data that you give to us while utilizing the Let’s Trek Himalayas site. This Privacy Policy depicts how we treat individual data got about you when you visit www.letstrekhimalayas.com. We suggest that you survey the privacy policy at each such site to decide how that site safeguards your protection.

Privacy Policy Promise

While data is the foundation of our capacity to offer unrivaled assistance, our most significant resource is our clients’ trust. Keeping client data secure, and utilizing it just as our clients would need us to, is the main concern for us all at Let’s Trek Himalayas. Here then, is our guarantee to our singular clients:

We will safeguard, as persevere principles of safety and privacy, any data our clients share with us.

We will restrict the assortment and utilization of client data to the base we expect to convey better assistance than our clients, which incorporates exhorting our clients about our items, administrations, and different open doors, and regulating our business.

We will allow just approved workers, who are prepared for the appropriate handling of client data, to approach that data. Representatives who disregard our Protection Commitment will be dependent upon our disciplinary interaction.

We won’t uncover client data to any third party except if we have recently informed the client of divulgences or arrangements, that are legally necessary.

We will continuously keep up with command over the secrecy of our client data. We may, nonetheless, share client data with trustworthy organizations when a client has communicated an interest in their service or item. If it’s not too much trouble, note that this privacy policy doesn’t have any significant bearing on these other organizations’ utilization of client data.

Whenever we hire different associations to offer help services, we will expect them to adjust to our privacy principles and to permit us to review them for consistency.

We will endeavor to keep client documents total, up-to-date, and precise. We will let our clients know how and where to helpfully get to their data (except for when we’re restricted by regulation) and how to inform us about errors which we will quickly correct.

Information We Collect


At the point when you register, and at different times, we might gather personally recognizable data from you that might incorporate your name, address, phone number, email address, and facts about your computer.

Web Site Usage Information

We naturally gather IP locations and Site use data from you when you visit our Site. This data assists us to evaluate how our guests and clients use and explore our Site on a total premise, including the number and recurrence of visitors and clients to each Website page, and the length of their visits.

How We Use Gathered Data

We may use information in the following ways:

  • For the reasons you specifically gave the data.
  • To send you email notices about our new or existing items and administrations, extraordinary offers, or to in any case reach you.
  • To improve existing highlights or foster new elements, items, and services.
  • To permit us to customize the substance and publicize that you and others see because of individual attributes or preferences.
  • We might consolidate the data that we gather from you on https://www.Letstrekhimalayas.com with data that you furnish to us regarding your utilization of our different items, services, and site.
  • We might unveil and be involved by and by recognizable data in extraordinary conditions where it is important to uphold our Terms of Use (for instance, when important to safeguard our intellectual property rights). We may also disclose or use your personal information when we, sincerely, believe that the law requires us to do so.


We utilize treat innovation to assist guests and clients with moving quickly through our site. At the point when you sign on to our Site or take advantage of a few key highlights, we might pass cookies to your computer. A cookie is a line of data that is sent by a Site and put away on your hard drive or briefly in your computer memory.


The recognizable data we gather about you is put away in restricted access servers. We will keep up with shields to safeguard the security of these servers and your recognizable data.

Web-based Transfers

Considering that the Web is a worldwide environment, utilizing the Web to gather and deal with individual information fundamentally includes the transmission of information on a global premise. Hence, by browsing https://www.Letstrekhimalayas.com and communicating electronically with us you recognize and consent to our processing of individual information along these lines.

Policy Modifications

We might change this privacy policy occasionally. We will post any progressions here, so make certain to check timely. Nonetheless, if it’s not too much trouble, be guaranteed that on the off chance that the privacy policy changes from now on, we won’t utilize the individual data you have submitted to us under this privacy policy in a way that is conflicting with this privacy policy, without your earlier assent.

Comments and Questions

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us.