Kailash Overland Tour

Trip Information
  • Trip Duration 13 Days
  • Difficulty Level Moderate
  • Destination Tibet
  • Max. Altitude 5613m
  • Things To Do Tour and Kora
  • Best Season May to September

One of the most sacred pilgrimage paths in the world is the journey to Mt. Kailash. Thousands of pilgrims travel to this holy place every year because it is regarded by its followers as the spiritual hub of the world. It is thought that doing the holy rite of circumambulating Mount Kailash will atone for one's sins and bring luck. A lengthy, spiritually gratifying, and highly beautiful "Mt Kailash with Mansarovar Overland Tour" is offered by Lets Trek Himalayas. Lord Shiva is thought to have died on Kailash, where he is believed to have meditated and consumed holy marijuana. Mt. Kailash is surrounded by the revered lakes Lake Mansarovar and Lake Rakshastal.

Your wish to devote Kailash is coming soon. The border is closed by China for now.

The sacred rivers Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra, and Karnali all originate from Mount Kailash. These are the Ganges' tributaries, which Hinduism regards as its holiest river. Jains go around the mountain in an anti-clockwise orientation, whereas Hindus and Buddhists go around it clockwise.

In addition to having religious importance, the location is satisfyingly stunning. The commanding view of Mt. Kailash and the turquoise Manasarovar Lake adds to the Tibetan land's remoteness. Your spiritual journey can be satisfied starting from Kathmandu, you will go down the Kodari Highway, passing the friendship bridge. We travel through Nyalam-Saga, perform the ceremonies in Manasarovar, and then return the same way.

Four different religions—Hindus, Jain, Buddhist, and Bon—consider Mt. Kailash and Manasarovar Lakes to be sacred sites. For Hindus, it is the location where Lord Shiva and his wife Parvati reside permanently. On the journey to Manasarovar, it is thought that all misdeeds are atoned for.

Lake Manasarovar is related to Rishabha, the first Tirthankara, in Jainism. The location is where the great Gurus of Buddhism and Bons meditated. The Buddhist festival of Saga Dawa can be experienced if you travel to Mount Kailash in May month. Most other tours, on the other hand, are scheduled to arrive at Mt. Kailash during the full moon season to provide all participants with a unique experience.

The mountain may be circled 52 kilometers in total. A physically fit person can complete the walk in roughly 15 hours. The method is quite challenging due to the challenging terrain and high altitude. Only a small percentage of devotees who begin the pilgrimage will finish the circuit. During the tour, we will be sleeping in basic hotels and tents. You can rent a horse or hike the mountain on foot.

Devotees perceive ascending the mountain or simply setting foot there as sinful. It is hence closed to climbers. The people think that Mount Kailash's staircase leads to heaven.

What to Expect during Kailash Overland Tour

The sacred Lake Mansarovar is located at the base of Mount Kailash. The world's highest freshwater lake is called Mansarovar. As a significant pilgrimage destination for millions of people, it is the holiest Lake. It is said that everyone who bathes and ingests the water has atoned for all of their sins throughout their lives.

Manasarovar was made by Brahma to serve as a suitable location for religious rites, according to Hindu tradition. According to Buddhism, the gods took the mother of the Buddha to this lake, where she bathed in Lake Mansarovar's holy water until her body was cleansed. As the Buddha entered her womb, she next saw a white elephant galloping toward her from Mount Kailash. The journey also circles the Lake; stopping at each.

Our 13-day Kailash Tour over the Kerung border allows for adequate time for preparation in Kathmandu. Before entering at a high altitude, provide adequate time for acclimation at Kerung. Before departing from Kathmandu, we give you all the information you need for lodging, meals, drinking water, ventilation, a packing list, and other necessities. On the way, you can obtain delicious vegetarian meals from our knowledgeable staff.

You receive accurate information and advice from a helpful guide team from Nepal and Tibet, which is crucial to your Kailash Yatra's success. Small group tours, including a visit to Kailash, are available through Nepal Highland Treks. You can alter the overall schedule for our Kailash Tour starting at the Kerung border. You may add additional Nepalese activities along with your schedule for Kailash.

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  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Meals: Welcome Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 1310m

  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 1310m

  • Accommodation: Tea House
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 2380m

  • Accommodation: Guest House
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 2700m

  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 4640m

  • Accommodation: Guest House
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 4590m

  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 4670m

  • Accommodation: Guest House
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 5210m

  • Accommodation: Guest House
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 5648m

  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 4700m

  • Accommodation: Guest House
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 2700m

  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Meals: Breakfast, Farewell Dinner
  • Max. Altitude: 1310m

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